Reiki Business & Marketing Courses
Unique series of real-world, self-study Business Courses specifically designed for Reiki Practitioners, a step-by-step road map, to build a career as a Reiki practitioner in the UK
What Reiki practitioners who purchased the courses thought of them:
“It’s literally like a well-thought-out map. It guides as well as centers you. It’s full of useful information in bite-sized chunks, I especially liked the frequent professional tips throughout the courses”
The Story of The Creation of these Courses
These courses have been developed out of a need for them. I had been running 1-1 Reiki Business Mentoring. However there were people who didn’t have mentoring and with no alternative in place, they went off on their own, or some spent money on a cheap business course. Many then made the exact mistakes I help people avoid. Although much of what I did in mentoring is very personalised, there are concepts and guidance I would give to all Reiki practitioners, so I decided to package that content into these courses.
The Challenge
You found Reiki, it helped you in your life, you then learn it and at some point in the future start to practice Reiki professionally, helping people, whilst doing something you love (or you are thinking about it). However, from the moment you start out, you are under a financial ‘deadline’, commonly within a year where you have to make this work. or you will have to pack it in and go and get a job, never to return to professional Reiki practice. That’s why the courses has been designed to both support you and to be completed over 1 year period. The challenges are magnified for those who are both new to self-employment and new to being a Reiki practitioner. That’s where I can help.
Who These Reiki Business Courses are for
These courses are for any Reiki practitioner working in the UK, or anyone in the UK thinking about becoming a professional Reiki practitioner. They are created with those starting out as professional Reiki practitioners in mind, so the courses will be most suited to those in the starting phase, or early years of professional practice. Although having created them, actually the courses can also be very helpful to established Reiki Practitioners as you will learn ways to make what you are doing work better for you, such as learning new ways to increase profitability, save time, and reduce both stress and costs. So any practitioner should find plenty of value in these courses. They have been designed in a way to grow with you as your Reiki practice grows.
“Shaun’s approach has really changed my thinking. I found it easy to engage with the content, it was direct and to the point and triggered me into action”
How These Courses Could Help You
These courses and supporting resources can help you get clear on what you want your Reiki business to look like, who you wish to serve, what you want to earn, and the way you want to work, then focus on bringing that to life. The courses offer real-world guidance from almost 25 years of experience as a self-employed sole practitioner, the last 15 years of which specialising in Reiki. I have always had a fascination with high performance in self-development in sports, and business fields, What you find here you will not find in any other Reiki business course as much of what I do is based on performance and entrepreneurial concepts. I also have natural strategic and creative problem-solving abilities, ideally suited to finding ways through the challenges of professional Reiki practice.
Why These Courses are Different
There is an overwhelming volume of information and approaches to business out there. Much of which will not fit that well to either this kind of business or the values and personality of most Reiki practitioners. A ton of disjointed new marketing information to wade through is not what you need, nor is the business ‘formula’ that worked for someone else. This course isn’t just a dump of information as many courses are. I offer you a step-by-step 1-year road map or framework that builds out from you- your strengths, interests, personality, and what you want your Reiki practice to look like. It cuts through all the noise and distractions. Offering a clear focus and working smart to build a Reiki practice that works for you. Sure there are cheap business courses out there, however, I believe you can actually pay a higher price with such routes. What money you might save short-term you can pay for many times over in time and lack of speed alone, let alone any potential loss of future income. Note: inaction is not cost-free either.
How These Courses Work
These courses are self-paced home, self-study courses, which you can work through at your own pace. Everything is simplified to a series of step-by-step action-oriented tasks to keep you progressing. With the main central course (How to Build a Successful Reiki Business) it is a road map, with inbuilt flexibility to create a Reiki practice that works for you and that you can mold to your skills and preferences (not a carbon copy of what worked for me). This course has been designed to support you over a 1-year journey, taking you from starting as a professional Reiki practitioner to being an established practitioner. It’s in a convenient downloadable PDF format However, it also has built-in flexibility to be completed in a 'fast-track’ way for those who need to find solutions fast. There is a dedicated marketing course and in addition, supporting business resources in this business series that all work holistically together.
“It’s like a customised business courses specifically designed for Reiki practitioners. I enjoyed working through the courses, it didn’t feel like work. I like that it flows from the self outwards so it fits your work and life”
The Complete Reiki Business Course Series
which includes:
How to Build a Successful Reiki Business
Business Course
A unique 3 Part self-study course, that walks you through 10 sequential modules. The course is designed as a self-paced course to guide you over what is commonly 1 year as you build your Reiki business, keeping you focused and on track, with action-oriented tasks and guidance.
This course is a real-world, tried and tested road map laid out for you to follow, helping you to help you build a rewarding and sustainable career as a Reiki practitioner. This 100-plus page home study course is delivered in a PDF format, with over 100 carefully selected action steps along the journey. You get the convenience of a course that you can study at your own pace, around your timetable, and any work or family commitments you may have.
You get a huge amount of knowledge and experience that has been condensed into an easy-to-use, step-by-step format, created to keep you moving forward whilst avoiding overwhelm. Much of this guidance was only shared within my previous 1-1 business mentoring program- you are getting it here at a fraction of the cost!
You get a fast-track framework that helps you cut through all the distractions and focus on what really matters to make your Reiki business a success. Helping you keep your attention and energy on the activities that will make the difference to the success of your Reiki practice, saving you work, time, and money.
Throughout the course, you are supported with specific guidance and tips from Shaun. In addition to the 100-plus action-oriented steps laid out for you, to ensure your progress, you also get throughout the course my experience and guidance, with over 100 specific guidance tips along the route, as if I’m there guiding you along the journey.
This course helps you gain clarity on what you want to achieve and works to help you achieve it! The course walks you through a process of self-understanding and gaining better clarity on who you wish to serve and why. It then helps you navigate the practical elements of running a Professional Reiki practice, helping you set this all up to work for the long term, in a way that focuses on bringing more of you, or your authenticity into your Reiki business.
“Since starting the course, my perspective has totally changed. I now treat my business as an extension of myself, with my own values at the heart.”
Effective Marketing Made Easy for Reiki Practitioners
Business Course
This specialized 3 Part self-study course, is a focused look at marketing and walks you through 10 sequential modules to help you build effective marketing approaches, specifically designed for Reiki practitioners. The course is packed with guidance, tips, and pages of examples.
This course helps you make friends with marketing and find the best approaches for you. This is a home study course, delivered in a 100-plus page PDF format, with carefully selected action tasks to help you build an approach to marketing that works for you with minimal cost, time, and effort, so marketing is not something you dread.
The course provides a framework that helps you focus on what matters and prevents you from getting distracted and wasting effort, money, and time on ineffective marketing. It’s easy to get distracted by the many ways you could do marketing, I provide a system to help you cut through distractions and find what will work for you.
You get Shaun’s ‘5-Steps to Finding the Right Pricing’ approach. You are walked through a step-by-step process to find the right pricing for you and those you help. Getting this right is essential to your business's success.
This course helps you Make friends with Sales. We look at sales and our challenges with it, as well as offer guidance as to how you might approach sales within your business in a simple way that feels comfortable.
You get guidance throughout the course, with marketing guidance and tips from Shaun. In addition to the progress action steps and examples laid out for you in the course, you also get my experience and guidance, with over 100 specific guidance tips along the journey, as if I’m there guiding you throughout the course.
“This course provides much more information specific to the therapeutic industry than a generic business course. The study helps you to define what your business could look like and how to progress at your own pace for success. The content will support you in working towards your short-term business success and also help you to define your future strategy and growth. This is a course that can be repeated over and over again, to enable you to refine your own skills, prepare for the challenges, and create your own unique journey.”
The Ultimate Survival Guide for Solo Reiki Practitioners
Business Resource
A collection of 25 carefully selected key topics that all Reiki practitioners must understand to survive and then succeed long-term as solo, self-employed practitioners. Topics are condensed into easy-to-absorb, bite-sized chunks.
Resource includes:
Hands down the best way to manage business finances.
How to manage variability in income and cash flow as a solo practitioner.
A condensed unpack of the Key rules and regulations you need to know.
How to navigate the concept of competition and avoid the danger of commoditization.
How to measure results in a way that builds motivation and protects your confidence.
Access Shaun’s Own Business Management Systems
Business Resource
You get the proven systems I have developed. So you can run your whole business more effectively providing an instant view of everything that matters in your business, allowing you to make better decisions, and saving you a heap of work and time trying to do all that yourself.
Resources include:
My Master Financial planner and tracker document (from which I run everything).
Client intake forms.
Reiki treatment record sheets (2 versions available) ready to print and go!
Client aftercare sheet.
A Total of 10 resources, made up of 5 x Key progress trackers, and 5 x form templates.
Secrets to Accelerate Your Reiki Business Success
Business Resource
Helping you, save time, money, and effort, and avoid pitfalls and mistakes Reiki practitioners commonly make, that slow, or halt progress. Learn ways to accelerate your success!
Resources include:
Avoid the 3 Biggest Reiki Industry Myths That Could Hurt Your Reiki Business.
The 10 Biggest Mistakes Reiki Practitioners Make with their Own Reiki Business.
5 Things That Will Stop Your Reiki Business in Its Tracks- And How To Avoid Them.
The 10 Most Powerful Things That Have Helped Me with My Reiki Business.
“I like the fact this course makes total sense. It flows well, it is practical, down-to-earth, and flexible. It is geared to the individual and will grow with you and your Reiki business as it grows. It will expand to suit anyone”
A message from Shaun
Remember the value of this Business course series keeps on giving! Although the courses have been created to support you over a 1-year journey, the value keeps paying out every year with a more focused, faster-moving, and more effective business! Through savings of time, money, and effort avoiding mistakes and low-impact activities, as well as supporting better income, profitability, and less stress.
I truly believe with an application of effort there should be no reason why this business course series doesn’t give you a 10 x return on what you pay for it over a couple of years or sooner. I created these courses with this aim in mind and for these courses to be a good investment in your business that keeps on giving year in, year out.
“Shaun’s Reiki business course covers everything you could expect from a business course but in addition, Shaun includes perspectives and real-life examples of practice that bring the course to life, of particular value are the prompts to your own reflections, all within a structured framework for quality learning. ”
The Complete Reiki Practitioner Business Course Series- What You Get
How to Build a Successful Reiki Business
A real-world road map with guidance to build a rewarding career as a Reiki practitioner.
Marketing Made Easy for Reiki Practitioners
Helping you develop an effective, personalised, strategic approach to your marketing for better results.
The Ultimate Survival Guide for Practitioners
Essential strategies to not only survive but thrive as a solo self-employed practitioner.
Reiki Business Management Systems
Access Shaun’s own tried and tested systems to help you stay focused and on track.
Secrets to Accelerate Your Reiki Business Success
Learn how to avoid the pitfalls practitioners make and how to accelerate your success.
“It is very centered on the individual practitioner. It’s insightful and seems like Reiki flows through it. I have found that I have made greater and faster progress with this course than I have with other courses I have tried.”
Purchase the Complete ‘How to Build a Successful Reiki Practice’ Business Course series