Reiki Treatment Form Templates

Reiki Business courses

Access ready-to-go Reiki treatment forms created then tried and tested over the years by Shaun, created to National Occupational Standards for the UK. Saving you time and effort and ensuring you are working professionally to best standards and adhering to regulation requirements from the start.

How These Reiki Treatment Form Templates Could Help You

These ‘print & go’ Reiki treatment template forms can help you get started quickly with Reiki treatments.
Simply download and print, and you are ready to go.

Save yourself the time and effort of creating intake forms.
Spend the time delivering Reiki treatments rather than creating treatment forms.

Access these tried and tested forms that are created to National Occupational Standards for the UK.
No need to upgrade basic forms or worry you have missed something; you have a professional approach straight away.

Reiki Treatment Form Templates

You get all the documents listed below, ready to print and go (all documents are to national occupational standards for the UK and come in PDF format):

1. Initial client intake form- Adult (informed consent & consultation)

2. Initial client intake form- Child or Vulnerable Adult (informed consent & consultation)

3. Reiki treatment record sheet- 1 session per page

4. Reiki treatment record sheet- 2 sessions per page

5. Client aftercare sheet

Purchase the Reiki Treatment Form Template Pack


If you are looking to be a Professional Reiki Practitioner, have a look at the ‘How to Build a Successful Reiki Business’ Course. This Business and Marketing course series has the Reiki Treatment form templates within the content.