About Shaun Mckeown
My Professional Background & Experience
I have over 20 years of professional experience helping people support their health and well-being. In the health and fitness, lifestyle coaching, and the last almost 15 years with Reiki, both as a Reiki teacher and practitioner. I have experience as a martial arts instructor, and fitness manager, as well as a soldier, and physical training instructor in the army. My work nowadays is primarily as a Reiki teacher.
Reiki has just been a completely natural thing for me as soon as I found it, teaching Reiki being a natural extension of my background in coaching. I gained teacher level (termed Reiki master) and taught Usui Reiki, then trained with leading international Reiki teachers in more ‘modified’ approaches to Reiki, but something felt missing, or ‘off’ to me in such approaches. So I continued to seek out authorities in Japanese Reiki, being drawn to the authentic original Usui Reiki teachings, then I found them in Jikiden Reiki and things just clicked for me.
I now exclusively teach Jikiden Reiki (authentic Japanese Usui Reiki) and I have been granted the level of Shihan (full teacher) from the Jikiden Reiki Institute in Japan. My Reiki teacher in Jikiden Reiki is Tadao Yamaguchi, the Representative (president) of the Jikiden Reiki Institute. In recent years I have helped to set up and serve as one of the committee members of the Jikiden Reiki UK Association (JRUKA), a not-for-profit membership organization that supports teachers and students of Jikiden Reiki and promotes authentic Reiki teachings in the UK.
A Bit About Me
In addition to my interest in Reiki, making a contribution impact, and helping people at scale appeals to me. Social entrepreneurship and clever solutions to society’s challenges interest me, as well as the environment and protecting wildlife.
I have always been interested in personal growth, and high performance. Early on this took its form in sports as a competitive runner as a Kid, which then evolved into other sports as well as personal development. Later studying at university where I gained a BSc.(Hons) degree in Sport and Exercise Science. Another particular area of interest for me over recent years has been alternative education approaches. I enjoy time with my family and still have an interest in fitness - the only problem being my mind still thinks I’m in my 20s.
I am generally known as being a calm, focused person with a positive disposition. The deep and meaningful interests me, the superficial less so. I have a particularly rare personality type, recognized as a strategic, creative problem solver, so I naturally excel and enjoy the creative start phase of projects and finding solutions. I have strong rational thinking, and strong intuition, so I can happily be up in the air daydreaming with visions and concepts and then bring those down to rational plans, which are tailor-made for some of the work I do as a business coach and in creating my Reiki business courses supporting professional Reiki practitioners.
Impact & Contribution of my Work
Directly Helping People with Reiki
My business has always been built from the roots up to be a positive force in the world. The main activities of my business directly help people in their personal healing, well-being, and personal growth with Reiki. My main focus is teaching people Reiki, so they have the tools to help themselves and get even better results with Reiki. Many help others around them with Reiki, further expanding the impact.
Helping Build a National Reiki Association
I donate a lot of time and effort to help set up and run the Jikiden Reiki UK Association (JRUKA), where I continue to serve as a committee member. We continue to create new ways to support Jikiden Reiki practitioners and teachers, working together to increase the positive impact of Jikiden Reiki in the UK.
Financially Supporting Environmental Conservation
I have long been interested in environmental conservation and now have built directly financially contributing to selected Environmental conservation charities as part of my business model. I support 2 Environmental conservation charities with my 1% pledge. 1% of all revenue, is directly donated to my chosen charities. There is no ‘green-washing’ or tax benefit to doing so here. The amounts here are not going to be on the news, however, it is important that I build the commitment into the fabric of my business, and share my focus in this area.
1% Conservation Pledge
1% of all Revenue donated to chosen environmental conservation charities
Conservation Charities Supported
By Supporting my Business You are supporting my contribution to both helping people and the environment.
thank you