Verified Practitioner Course
Helping you achieve the Reiki Council Verified Practitioner Award & meet the CNHC accredited register requirements through The Jikiden Reiki UK Association’s (JRUKA)- Verified Practitioner Programme
Note: The JRUKA Verified Practitioner Programme is optional vocational training that can be taken after your Jikiden Reiki training courses (Shoden and Okuden) to meet the requirements to become a registrant on the CNHC-accredited register for Reiki practitioners in the UK. This is commonly a requirement to work voluntarily or professionally in settings such as hospitals and hospices, but is not a requirement to work voluntarily or professionally with the public, your Jikiden Reiki training courses are sufficient in most settings.
The Background- What’s This All About?
The public increasingly recognises the value of natural or holistic therapies, which have become more popular. However, the field has a wide range of standards and practices. This has not helped the acceptance of natural therapies by conventional healthcare. The government set up a body to oversee professional standards of a range of therapies, the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC). They run the accredited professional register (accreditation by Skills for Health) and are overseen by the ‘Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care’ an independent body, accountable to the UK Parliament. Its sole focus is on protecting the public. National Occupational Standards for professional practice were drawn up for each therapy and verified or accredited courses were created to ensure those professional best practice and regulatory topics were covered and a voluntary professional practitioner accredited register was created, to list those who met these standards. Note: the CNHC charges ongoing annual fees and has its own code of conduct and CPD requirements to remain a registrant on the accredited register. To understand a bit about Accredited Reiki Courses/ Verified Reiki Courses see my article Accredited Reiki Courses.
Why This Programme is Needed?
The focus of Reiki training courses is and should be Reiki. An additional course was needed to cover the national occupational standards for Reiki and the UK regulations side of professional Reiki practice, as individual countries’ healthcare regulatory requirements were not included in the original Reiki teachings of Japan. Those of us who have achieved these standards in the last 10 years have found meeting all the regulatory requirements was not a smooth process (until now). One of the objectives of the Jikiden Reiki UK Association (JRUKA), when we founded it, was to create this supplementary additional vocational training course, to meet the verification standards, in a way that was as smooth as possible for those taught the authentic Reiki teachings. This meant Jikiden Reiki students in the UK could achieve the Reiki Council’s Verified Practitioner award and become registrants on the CNHC accredited register. Within my role in the JRUKA committee, I have been leading the project team to create this programme. This course has been verified by the Reiki Council and recognised by the CNHC, with myself being one of the authorised teachers/assessors permitted to deliver the JRUKA Verified Practitioner Programme and support candidates through this process.
What’s The Benefit of This Programme?
There are in my view a few reasons this might be a good thing to do if you are or are thinking of becoming a professional Reiki practitioner, or indeed going to do voluntary work with Reiki. Purely from a public professionalism view, it can be helpful. Another reason to consider this programme is that some opportunities may only be available to you if you are a registrant of the accredited register, for example, some hospitals would make being on the CNHC accredited register a requirement to work there. Also having gone through this process again myself, I can see it could be helpful in building a candidate’s professional confidence. On a side note, the more Reiki practitioners work to these standards the more it helps the movement of Reiki to be seen as a more professional therapy to the public and medical community, In terms of award, you receive the Reiki Council ‘Verified Practitioner’ award and automatic acceptance to the CNHC register.
So, Who Can Attend the Programme?
Firstly, understand this is optional vocational training and an addition to your formal Jikiden Reiki training courses, to meet the National Occupational Standards in the UK. There is nothing ‘missing’ from your Jikiden Reiki training courses. These are modern-day additional regulatory, best practice requirements. Proof of professional competency is what this programme deals with, not your Reiki training. You can operate fine as a Professional Reiki practitioner in most settings without this training. This is for those who wish to work to best practice standards or work in settings that require practitioners who are on an accredited register.
Part 1- Take the authentic Japanese Jikiden Reiki® training courses
Part 2- Complete the JRUKA Verified Practitioner Programme
The Reiki training component is part of the overall Verified course requirements. Once both these parts are completed you can achieve the Reiki Council ‘Verified Practitioner ‘award, so become a verified Reiki practitioner and able to become a registrant on the CNHC accredited register. Currently, the Verification element of the programme is completed by The Reiki Connection (TRC), which is an approved CNHC Verifying Organisation, so you will receive a Verified Practitioner certificate from them at the end of the programme.
Note: Your formal Reiki training courses alone would not meet the requirements to become a verified practitioner or a registrant on an accredited register, no Reiki course out there is, the Verified courses, which are sometimes referred to as accredited Reiki courses in their titles and marketing, but more accurately are verified courses are Reiki course with this additional vocational training added on the end, or refer to the added vocational training on its own, either way all verified/accredited courses run over several months to allow for building experience and completing a range of assessments to be completed after your Reiki training courses. Understand that any verified/accredited Reiki courses have been verified to ensure they meet set requirements of professional occupational standards and adequately assess your competency as a Reiki Practitioner, they do nothing to ensure the accuracy of the Reiki training being taught, so please consider this if looking for Reiki training and find yourself looking for accredited Reiki courses, in the belief the Reiki training would in some way have been assessed as accurate, this is not the case. If this is you find the right Reiki training course for you first, verified practitioner status can be achieved later in most cases (in-person Reiki training). Most reading this will already be Jikiden Reiki trained anyway, so that’s covered. If you are not Jikiden Reiki trained and wish to find out more look at my Jikiden Reiki training courses page.
To attend the JRUKA Verified Practitioner Programme you must have taken both Shoden and Okuden Jikiden Reiki training courses, with an authorised Jikiden Reiki teacher. (which I am, so you are fine if you train/ or have trained with me). If you have not you can find out about Jikiden Reiki training courses here This training programme has been created and run by the Jikiden Reiki UK Association (JRUKA). An active ‘practitioner’ membership is required to take this training, you can find out about membership here. Courses around the topic of verification are about regulations, competence, and best practice. This is not a Reiki business course, for that, I have created a Business course specifically for Reiki practitioners, for details here
Programme Overview
After application through JRUKA you will have access to all the resources including the programme handbook, you then commence a period of self-study, supported by the handbook, with sections on topics such as being a professional Reiki practitioner, practice management and a section relating to key regulatory documents you need to be aware of. During this time you are building a portfolio of evidence of Reiki treatments.
This is then followed by a supported study phase, beginning with a 1- day training workshop. You can select the approved teacher/assessor from the list of teachers who have fulfilled the requirements to teach/assess this programme. You then complete some case studies.
When you feel ready you will then have a total of 4 observation Reiki treatments, where an approved ‘internal’ teacher/assessor, will observe you conducting a Reiki treatment (can be the same teacher/assessor you chose to do the workshop with). Conducted over a period of a few months.
When you feel ready you will then complete the Reiki Council written assessment and complete a 5th formal treatment observation, which will be assessed by an external Verifying Organisation, approved by the Reiki Council and CNHC.
Once successful, you achieve the Reiki Council ‘Verified Practitioner’ award, you also receive a Verified Practitioner certificate from TRC (note: these awards and the use of the Verified Practitioner term and RC and TRC logos remain, independent of future JRUKA membership).
As a Jikiden Reiki UK Association (JRUKA) member you can also use the JRUKA Verified Practitioner status logo (as long as you are an active JRUKA member.
“I found Shaun very knowledgeable, his training workshop was most informative. He created a relaxed atmosphere with instructions easy to follow. I would highly recommend The Professional Practitioner Course.”
What to do next if You are interested in joining this programme
Complete the Jikiden Reiki training courses.
Join the Jikiden Reiki UK Association (JRUKA).
Then get in touch with JRUKA and we will get you started, or answer any questions you have.
If you are interested in Jikiden Reiki courses, or the Professional Practitioner Programme with Shaun, and you would like to speak to Shaun directly, you can request a call-back here