Shaun’s Signature 1-1 Reiki Mentoring Programme

I find the sessions with Shaun invaluable. I can directly ask questions about practising Reiki, receive regular Reiju, and I get a much needed treatment.
— Joanne

My 1-1 Reiki mentoring Programme, is the most impactful way I can support practitioners/students once they have taken their Jikiden Reiki training courses.

Note: this session is only available for those who have taken certified Jikiden Reiki training, with an authorized Jikiden Reiki teacher.

Think of it as my 1-1 Reiju, Reiki coaching, and Reiki treatment session option, regularly. In my mentoring programme, a regular frequency of 1-1 Reiju, Reiki coaching, and Reiki treatment sessions are set each month on a rolling basis. This provides an optimal frequency of receiving Reiju, provides a level of frequency of access to me to ask your Reiki questions as they arise, as well as better supports your development and your healing journey with Reiki.

Regular Reiju is a must! Shaun creates a safe space for real connection with the five principles - Gokai, of Reiki, enabling the energy to flow and support the individual and their practice.
— Karen

The base session frequency is 1 x per month, which is common and works well. Others prefer a higher frequency of sessions per month, and sometimes a mix of Reiju, Reiki coaching, Reiki treatment sessions, and Regular Reiki treatment sessions. I will discuss and tailor your personal 1-1 Reiki mentoring programme to best suit their needs. You get a special discounted session rate (payments are set as a standing order).

Those who are part of my regular 1-1 Reiki mentoring programme get the first choice of my appointment availability and also can pre-book future sessions, ahead of other bookings.

Having regular Reiju and treatment sessions with Shaun has helped me both physically and emotionally. I have found that my ability to use Reiki for myself and others is much stronger. Feedback from friends who have received healing has also confirmed this. I also find it very helpful to have the opportunity to ask Shaun in person about the Reiki questions that naturally come up as you practice Reiki. I would recommend regular Reiju and treatment sessions as part of your Reiki journey.
— Jane

Session Format

It is only available for those who have taken Jikiden Reiki. You receive a personal Reiju, which is recommended for all Reiki Practitioners to receive regularly. You also have time to ask any Reiki training questions you have. As some questions do not appear at your initial Reiki training course, they come from practice, so this is a great way to have focused time on your Reiki questions to deepen your understanding and this helps build your confidence in Reiki. In addition, you will receive personal Reiki treatment, with feedback and guidance for your own Reiki self-treatment and Reiki study from Shaun.

This session format can be fluid. After receiving Reiju, you can use the remaining session time with Shaun in whichever combination you need from Reiki coaching, questions, or receiving treatment. If one day you have loads of questions fine, the next time if you have fewer questions you can have more treatment time, it’s flexible. The session can be built around what you need on the day. Session elements are listed below.

I decided to take up the option of getting a monthly Reiju, coaching, and treatment with Shaun. I drive a long distance each month to have these sessions I find it very beneficial for several reasons, firstly a monthly Reiju further opens my energy channels and helps keep them open. I can feel the energy more each month. Shaun gives me constant 1 on 1 guidance and advice on any Reiki questions I have. The last big thing for me is receiving a Reiki treatment. I have been lacking in self-treatment, some areas are not comfortable for me to reach and I don’t get feedback, so don’t actually know where the areas of need are. Shaun has now identified those areas of need, which he is now focusing on for my well-being, as well as pointing to areas of need I can reach and offering guidance to self-treat, it’s worth it and a huge benefit to me.
— Liam

Session Breakdown

Session Duration: 1 hour 30 mins

1-1 Reiju

  • You will receive the authentic Japanese Reiju that we deliver in Jikiden Reiki training 1-1 with Shaun

Reiki Coaching & Questions

  • Shaun can coach you on any part of your Reiki training, reinforcing your understanding

  • You can ask Shaun your Reiki training questions

Receive Reiki Treatment & Guidance from Shaun

  • You can receive Reiki treatment from Shaun

  • You can receive guidance from Shaun for your own self-practice of Reiki.

I have regular treatments which include a monthly one-to-one Reiju. I have found doing this has had significant benefits, as I can discuss any queries or problems I encounter wit my practice of Reiki.
— Janet

1-1 Reiki Mentoring Programme with Shaun: 1 hour 30 mins

If you prefer this option on a more individual, or irregular frequency see my:
1-1 Reiju, Reiki Coaching, Reiki treatment option.

I’ve found these sessions to be extremely beneficial to me and my continuing development. Shaun tailors every session to my own individual Reiki journey - whether deepening my understanding of Reiki, building my confidence, or answering any questions, I receive regular 1-1 Reiju, and Reiki. I thoroughly recommend these signature sessions to any Jikiden Reiki practitioners. Shaun is a superb mentor - generous, knowledgeable and supportive.
— Lisa